View tracks

You can retrieve track list and view those tracks on the map - for any date range under the limitation according to your tariff plan.

1. Select the required assets from objects list. You can take just one or mark multiple assets. You will see the Tracks button under the list. Click on this button.

2. Select the date/time range. You can also set other various parameters which influence the result and its viewing options:

3. Click Show tracks button. You will see the tracks list with brief details. By clicking on the View icon you can draw any selected track(s), change its colour, etc. Each result is shown in a separate tab, so you can view tracks for different assets and dates at once.

4. Detailed track information will be shown in the bottom of the screen under "i" icon. If you selected multiple tracks, there will be also summary information.

If you have more questions please contact our support team

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