How to create a form

To make a new form:

1. Start "Tasks" app

2. Open "Forms" module

3. Click on the "Add form" button

Name and describe the created form. By clicking on the pinion symbol on the right side, you can turn on/off the following options:

Using various sets of components you can create a form for any scenario. Fields can be easily changed, copied or deleted. Each component field has a "Field required" switch button. When this button is switched on, the user will not be allowed to close the form without filling in the required component.

A list of components

-Text field

The component is meant for inserting information of any kind, for ex., you can put a service name and its description.


The component is aimed at choosing one or several options. You can also set the min and max number of checked positions allowed.

-Radio buttons

Here you can choose one option from the list.


This component has the same functionality as "Radio buttons", the difference is that here the variants are hidden in a dropdown list.


An employee can use it to add the date to the form: YYYY/MM/DD


All the components beyond the page break will be taken to the next page.


Ratings allow a mobile employee to put a mark. For instance, to evaluate the product shelf placement. You can also change stars number in settings.

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